Saturday, December 31, 2016

Post Metallic Thousand Years

Imagine a young art historian at a vernal college, studying the gradient of art movements that led through modern art. The art historian would say that after the post-modern, we will continue progress through hypothetical trans- or hyper- modernities. I propose that the post-modern is more akin to the medieval, a long limbo full of organic development, lacking massive organizational inventions such as the roman empire or electronics.

Examine the modern, a time when the world learned of itself as metallic inventions flourished in the humanosphere. Jesus was importantly placed at the beginning of the Roman Empire, as its interrogator. To me, Rudolph Steiner was messiah for the 1889 metallic inventions, such as the steam locomotive and electric generation.

Does rich metallic invention imply a continual fracturing of media from here on out? Does this constitute continual moore's law for inventiveness? Or is it a middle ages of people re-working the standard tool–a computer–for a thousand years!

The self-steering car does not violate Butlerian Jihad, as the car imitates itself.
Paul Virilio _ an accident museum for the google car. So many screaming crashes.

Interested not in progress, but how can we view these thousand years of re-hashing as a holographic crystal until we stumble upon a new effect. A medieval that isn't that, rather a post-metallic epic, for a thousand years!

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